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How to Be an Ex-Footballer


Author Peter Crouch Published by Ebury Press ISBN 9781529106596 EAN 9781529106596 Bic Code Cover Paperback

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‘The funniest man in British sport’ – MetroFeatured on BBC Radio 2 with Chris Evans You become a footballer because you love football. And then you are a footballer, and you’re suddenly in the strangest, most baffling world of all. A world where one team-mate comes to training in a bright red suit with matching top-hat, cane and glasses, without any actual glass in them, and another has so many sports cars they forget they have left a Porsche at the train station. Even when their surname is incorporated in the registration plate.So walk with me into the dressing-room, to find out which players refuse to touch a football before a game, to discover why a load of millionaires never have any shower-gel, and to hear what Cristiano Ronaldo says when he looks at himself in the mirror. We will go into post-match interviews, make fools of ourselves on social media and try to ensure that we never again pay ?250 for a haircut that should have cost